Individual excursions in Saint Petersburg
Daily work time: с 8:00-21:00

Interesting but a little-known sights of St. Petersburg

Дворик филфака

There is unusual and cozy patio you can find on Vasilyevsky Island. This is a courtyard of The Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University.

Bronze bas-relief of the Blessed Xenia

In 2000, bronze bas-relief of the Blessed Xenia of Petersburg appeared in this courtyard and in 2002 modern sculpture park was created there. It is constantly updated with new exhibits.

The monuments of the famous Russian poets

Take a walk around the yard you can see the monuments of the famous Russian poets such as Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, Osip Mandelstam, Joseph Brodsky.

The monuments of the famous Russian poets


Sculpture of Tonya the Hippo

In the courtyard you can find a very cute sculpture of Tonya the Hippo. Tonya brings a good luck to students and lecturers. It is considered, that if an unmarried girl rubs Hippo’s right ear she meets her future husband.

Скульптура бегемотихи Тони

During the romantic theme we must mention the fountain of love with images of Romeo and Juliet.

The more haste, the less speed

Sculpture of snail is devoted to the motto of the future philologists “The more haste, the less speed”.

The more haste, the less speed


Among the monuments, there are which are devoted to different characters of literary works: “Gogol’s nose of Major Kovalev”, “Gulliver” and many others.

Another composition is noteworthy. This is “Bench of advice”. Angel and demon are located at both ends of it.

However is not so easy to visit yard of The Faculty of Philology!

To get there you have to pretend to be a student or a lecturer.

And when you order individual excursions of St. Petersburg in Personaltours

When you order individual excursions of St. Petersburg in Personaltours, you can ask your manager to include courtyard of The Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University in your program!

Четко спланированную культурную программу Посещение музеев без очередей даже в сезон Пунктуальность и учтивость гида и водителя Оптимальный маршрут посещения достоприме-чательностей Удобные для Вас способы оплаты Качественное транспортное обслуживание (немецкие автомобили)
Well-planned cultural itinerary Visits to museums without queues even in the “high” season Accuracy and courtliness of guides and drivers The most efficient itinerary of sights visiting Convenient for you methods of payment High-quality transportation (German cars)

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