Individual excursions in Saint Petersburg
Daily work time: с 8:00-21:00

Tour to Senate square


The uprising at Senate square

The name Senate Square or Decembrist’s square is connected with December 14, 1825 when the first armed uprising took place in Russia. The progressive-minded Russian nobility rose in rebellion against serfdom and autocracy.

They wanted to overthrow the tsar, to abolish serfdom and establish a republic. They wanted the senate not to take the oath of allegiance to the new tsar and set up a constitution. The uprising was severely suppressed by troops of Nicolas I. Five leaders were executed. Hundreds were exiled to Siberia.

The Seizure Of Russia By Napoleon

Why did the uprising take place in the first half of 19th c.? Russia at the beginning of the 19th c. was still flourishing, though there was serfdom. In 1812 Napoleon wanted to invade the country but the Russian army defeated France not only here but all over Europe (by the British army as well). Russian officers were from noble families and they were well educated.

They travelled to France and had the best opportunity to get acquainted with the ideas of French Revolution of 1789. They knew the ideas of free-minded philosophies, they realised that serfdom and autocracy would never permit Russia to develop prosperously. That was the main reason which brought them to this square in December 1825 and a century later, the square was given a title of Decembrists. The uprising was a failure because it was made for people but without people i.e. without a support.


The building of Senate and Synod

There are two similar buildings of the former Senate and Synod it was the last major work of Rossi. Senate was the Supreme Court of Russia. Synod was the highest ecclesiastical power. These buildings were damaged during the WWII but all of them were restored to their original appearance later. Now they house the Constitutional Court of Russia.


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